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The green cycle path that runs through the heart of Thyssen-Krupp Steel’s large industrial site offers visitors a chance to pass through a monumental industrial landscape. Still in operation, 24 hours a day, here one is lost in time and adrift in history.

By creating curved slopes that elevate the asphalt cycle path to 2.3m at either end, Landstrich will at once frame and highlight this exceptional site in its entirety.

master plan
site section by Kaisa Sööt

Confronting passers by on their journey, Landstrich invites visitors to have a look around and stay a little longer.

winning project at “Creating a Context” in Emcherkunst 2013.
location: Duisburg, Germany
team: Sara Dietrich, Max Schmölz, Kaisa Sööt, Birthe Jorgensen, Holger Küpers, Jacob Mayer Voit, Tao
team leader: Wolfgang Weileder and Jean-Philippe Jasienski
text: Birthe Jorgensen