Calendar Roll

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We rolled two years and three months into one roll. As you expected, it’s called Calendar roll.

We use minimum package to help you avoid thinking on “oh the package is so cute, what should I do with it? it’s a shame to throw away!”. No logos too — you know it’s from us.

Similar to the thing we’ve known as ‘time’, calendar roll is continuous. And long.

Every week has five weekdays and two weekends no matter which week it is. In total, it’s seven. So, each month has seven colours no matter which month it is.

Use your time dispenser, or your hands if you wish to. Cut dates by colour. Stick them to your notebook following the order we all know. Voilalala, calendar of the month!

You can easily split the tape with bare hands, because it’s made of Washi paper. And if you can tell the difference of colours, you know where to split. It’s so easy!

If you like planning the future and taking notes of the past, you probably have a lot to write, to draw, and to cross out. Feel free to do them on and around your calendar.

You can directly write on it. Or indirectly.

If you want to know the life span of one Calendar roll, our answer is minimum 2 years and 3 months. There’s no one number for everyone. Washi tape is reusable. Relocating them doesn’t leave any sticky mess on paper or get paper torn. Therefore, you can change March into April, then change April into May, then change May into June… until there’s no adhesiveness anymore.

Just do it again it if you made any mistake. It won’t hurt your notebook.
Design: claudeverett, Pasturo, Italy
Print: Shanghai Qianlu Cultural and Technical Co., Ltd, China
Material: Washi paper fabricated in Japan
Size: 1cm * 27 months

* Calendar Roll came from our scientific observation on Granted Calendar: Each month looks differently by row, but vertically, seven columns are always the same, just some months without 31st and February with only 28 or 29 days.