Calendar roll is now available in Body Memory!
// 29 Chaer Hutong east, Beijing, China
// / +86 10 63010521
// wed-sun 14-18 pm
Calendar roll is now available in Body Memory!
// 29 Chaer Hutong east, Beijing, China
// / +86 10 63010521
// wed-sun 14-18 pm
Jin was Tao’s best friend in his childhood. Enrolment at different universities separated them into two cities, one on the north side of Yangtze River, the other one on the south. They were not far from each other in terms of distance, but the contact was almost lost.
Continue reading huǒ bàn 火伴Elaine W. Ho went to Hong Kong for two weeks and left the work-live space of HomeShop on Xiaojingchang Hutong to Tao. As an exchange, Tao was asked to make the residency term a means “to finish a project here”. His architecture internship at the firm Limited Design consisted of working from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays including the commute, which meant that only sleeping hours were spent at HomeShop. As it happened, this project was inspired by just such a relationship between time and space.
Continue reading Temp Space & Time-plot Ratio