Lamp A

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Our tiny apartment in Milan, 2012.

The second house we lived in Milan was a super tiny one, about just 20 m². Small as it was, everything had to go vertical: Washing machine on top of fridge; bed on top of a slab across bathroom and wardrobe, connected with the living room with a moveable wooden ladder; orange tile on top of bathroom, indicating you could sit there eating watermelon in summer; of course, you could lie or sit or put things on top of the wardrobe too.

Although it was so small, it had almost everything to support our life: except the fridge and the washing machine we talked before, there were a tiny balcony, a ceiling fan, an oven, a shower room, a bidet, and so on. We loved it.

It only lacked of a lamp.

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Pausa Café

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In response to the theme “re-appropriation” of MIAW 2010, we wanted to dig out some hidden values in the campus. In the building of architecture school, during breaks, people chat outside the classroom while lean against handrails, on which coffee cups or coke tins can always be found. People do it naturally. But the performance of handrail could be better. By just adding wooden boards, we found the potential of handrail lying in its width. Finally, it was proved to be highly welcomed.

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